The best period to be in Altai in summertime, is the end of June and July and August.

Altai has a continental climate, very hot summers and very cold winters. In those months, end of June, July and August, the temperature are variable, in Celcius: 15-30 degrees Celsius.

In August 1999, there was snow and very cold weather. It was amazing, even for the people who live in Altai!

Snow on the Karaturajek pass, 1999.


And in July 2000 every day blue sky and temperature of 25-30 degrees Celcius!

The nights can be cold.You need a sleepingbag for at least three seasons.


Travel programma:

Discuss this please with Lenalp Tours in St. Petersburg. The e-mail address from Lenalp Tours is in the bottom of all the Altai pages. Their website is in the bottom of my homegage Natuurlijk Helen.

Bagage list: two pairs of summer clothes, one pair of winter clothes, cap for winter and summer time, sun glasses, sun oil, insect repellant, rubber boots, shoes, tent, sleepingmat, sleepingbag, bagagesac, and your personal things. Small first aid. Your bag may not be more than 10 kg. during the trekking. Put everything in plastic bags against the rain.

You can put your papers and bagage in a locker in the basecamp in a bag with a name label on it.

Vaccination: Protect yourself against the thics that can cause the Siberian encephalitis. The vaccin is called: FSME. Ask your doctor for the vaccination that should be taken for Russia.

From lenalp Tours you will get the price of your yourney to Altai.

Photo's and text: Fransje Bik, the Netherlands.

Home Natuurlijk Helen

Altai the Russian Shamballa

Journey to Altai

Trekking to Belucha

Maps Russia Altai

Altai photo's from the helicopterflight to Belucha

For more information please mail to Fransje Bik

Or mail to LenAlpTours in St. Petersburg